Strawberry Farming Opportunities in Northeast India

Cultivation of strawberry has become a profitable source of livelihood for people in the mountain regions in the Northeast, Darjeeling, including Nepal and Bhutan. Various state governments in the Northeast, including Meghalaya, Arunachal, Assam, Manipur, Sikkim and Darjeeling region support and promote Strawberry farming and it has today become a stable source of income for many farmers in rural areas.

The emerging farms and niche market for this fruit in the eastern Himalayan region highlight a changing pattern of crop selection, food choices, and livelihood opportunities.

Strawberry can be cultivated in different climate conditions, but is grows best in cold and moist. The Northeast and Himalayan regions of Darjeeling and Dooars provide good opportunity for the success of strawberry farming due to its suitable climatic conditions.

In the cold mountain regions, strawberry plants get the required chill hours under natural conditions for high quality fruiting. The sweetness, size, and quality of fruits from colder mountain region makes strawberry farming a profitable business for farmers in rural areas.

Over time, strawberry has created a good domestic market and high-quality varieties of strawberries have huge demands even in India. It is the easiest fruit to grow and is great for beginners! It one of the most popularly consumed berries in the world. It is commercially cultivated worldwide for its highly appreciated sweet, aromatic, and juicy fruit.

Himalayan Florica
Himalayan Florica – Strawberry Farms

To promote strawberry farming in the mountain regions, Himalayan Florica collaborates with Government agencies and State Horticulture Departments to supply high-quality planting materials. We have worked extensively in the mountain regions in the Northeast, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Nepal, Bhutan.

Himalayan Florica also works with independent farmers, growers, and entrepreneurs in the mountain areas and provide complete support – right from site planning, greenhouse/polyhouse construction, supply of planting materials, and training staffs. We also help to find the best market and price for our farmers and their produces, both in domestic and international markets.

Horticulture sector has brought a drastic change in the socio-economic conditions and quality of lives of many people directly and indirectly engaged in the cultivation of high value crops like strawberry and other plants and opportunity to develop other horticultural crops.

If you are interested to know more about strawberry farming and its opportunities, challenges, or even just to connect, drop us an email at

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